This Week’s Links

Internet1Tuesday on the blog means that I get to share some of what I have seen, read, and found interesting with all of you. To help make sense of these links, I have grouped them by the following categories: Church and Ministry Thought & Practice; Cross-Sector Collaboraton; Leadership Thought & Practice; Millennials; Neighbor Love; Social Media & Blogging; Stewardship; Vocation and Miscellaneous. I hope you enjoy these links!

Church and Ministry Thought & Practice

For those of you following the revised common lectionary and preparing for worship or for a sermon this coming weekend, check out these thoughts on “Pentecost 10B” from Bishop Michael Rinehart. Specifically thinking about the gospel text for this coming weekend, friend and professor Rev. Dr. Karoline Lewis wrote and shared, “#DoItForJohn.” Rev. Dr. David Lose also shared about Pentecost 10B in “The Surprise of Our Lives.”

If you are following the narrative lectionary (like me currently), check out the commentary on this weekend’s focus text, “Song of Solomon 2:10-13, 8:6-7” by Kathryn Schifferdecker.

Bishop Mike Rinehart also shared, “From Conflict to Communion: Observing the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation (1517-2017).”

The church I am currently serving (for the next couple of weeks), Woodlake Lutheran, was featured in a great article by Kathryn Sime, “Doing more with less: congregations redefine mission & ministry with fewer members.”

If you are curious about the congregation that my wife Allison and I will be serving at in the fall, check this out.

Pastor Joelle Colville-Hanson shared about the ELCA’s Worship Jubilee, writing that, “Worship Leaders Gather for Living Voice Jubilee.”

ELCA Youth Gathering (from ELCA Youth Gathering Facebook Page)
ELCA Youth Gathering (from ELCA Youth Gathering Facebook Page)

The ELCA Youth Gathering continued to be the subject of wonderful content, reflection and depth. I may be biased, but in this case, I don’t think so, as my wife Allison shared great thoughts about asking for stories and engaging young adults returning from the gathering in writing, “Coming down off the mountain top: #RiseUpELCA.” You should definitely check this post out and give it serious thought and application in your ministry context. In a similar vein, Elizabeth Rawlings wrote and shared, “30,000 youth excited about Jesus, service, and justice- let’s not fail them.” Also, friend and pastor Frank Johnson helpfully reflected with words and photos about “Why the Youth Gathering matters.” Pastor Andrew also shared some of the pictures and stories from St. John Lutheran’s experience at the gathering.

In looking at some of the results from the gathering, Maria Esquinca wrote, “Before and after: How volunteers transformed 100 blocks of Detroit.”

Friend and musician David Scherer, also known as “Agape,” shared sheet music for the theme song of the gathering, “Rise Up Together,” over on his website.

Julie Sevig wrote about one congregation’s unique approach to going to the gathering, writing about an “Outhouse on the move: in Kerkhoven, Minn., they’re sending kids to Detroit with a check and some chuckles.”

Bishop Kevin Kanouse wrote a heartfelt and courageous letter sharing about what he shared with the young adults from the North Texas-North Louisiana Mission Area at the Gathering. Thank you Bishop Kanouse for your courage and for being willing to share.

Friend and professor Rev. Dr. John Nunes shared findings from Michael Lipka on “The most and least racially diverse U.S. religious groups.”

Mikah Meyer wrote perhaps provocatively that, “American Christianity Has Been Hijacked.”

Pastor Blair Lundborg, Assistant to the Bishop in the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America wrote and shared about, “Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women.”

Meredith Gould wrote and shared about “How to Hire a Social Media ‘Expert.'”

Adam Copeland shared great thoughts for ministry and technology in “Pastor, Bless My iPhone.”

Church and Social Media (#ChSocM) shared a transcript of its weekly chat, which last week focused on “How Personality Shapes Social Media Involvement,” and was moderated by Regina Heater.

Friend and mentor Dr. Terri Elton shared this great post on “How to Communicate Change” by Karen Shay-Kubiak.

I think this is the first time that I have ever provided a link to the White House, especially under Church and Ministry. Angela Barranco, Associate Director for Public Engagement at White House Council on Environmental Quality shared about “Champions of Change: People of Faith Acting on Climate.”

Margaret Felice shared a number of interesting posts about music ministry and a recent conference presentation. Check out her blog, and I recommend starting with this post on “Honoring our skills in ministry.”

Friend and executive director of LEAD, Peggy Hahn, shared a number of things to check-in, fix-up or clean-up in your congregation before the fall begins, writing, “Cleaning House- Company’s coming!

Lilly Fowler wrote about an “Outspoken theologian ousted from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.”

Friend, blogger, world traveler, and very soon to be pastor Will Johnson shared reflections and observations about churches, cathedrals and money in “Moneychangers in the Church.” What do you think?

Cross-Sector Collaboration

Friend and communications strategist Carrie Gubsch shared this post by Nancy Schwartz, “Make ONE- and Only ONE- Call to Action (Case Study)” with important insights especially for nonprofits.

Blogger and social leadership theorist Julian Stodd wrote and shared thoughts in writing and asking, “Want to Meet?” Julian also shared, “Sunlight,” and “The Loci of Engagement.”

Friend and mentor Dr. Terri Elton shared a post about storytelling and Story Corps detailing, “Why I put all my stuff in storage to travel cross-country and listen to people.”

Mike Nemeth shared about Drucker School of Management professor Jay Prag, writing, “Professor reflects on ‘weird’ economic times in U.S.”

Friend and professor Dr. Mary Hess shared a video explaining that “Learning is about Relationship.”

Leadership Thought & Practice

Steve Keating wrote about “The Perils of Planning,” in a two-part series in part one and part two.

If you like movies you really should check out this guest post by Kent Sanders on Paul Sohn’s blog, “10 Surprising Movies that will Upgrade Your Leadership.” The movies that Kent highlights are: Apollo 13; Lincoln; The King’s Speech; Dead Poet’s Society; A Few Good Men; The Passion of the Christ; Lee Daniel’s The Butler; Saving Private Ryan; Moneyball; and Citizen Kane. What do you make of this list? As Kent asks, allow me to repeat, “What is your favorite leadership movie?”

Tanveer Naseer shared a guest post by Mike Figliuolo, “Think Inside the Box to Solve Leadership Challenges.”

My wife Allison and I taking a moment to breathe amidst the crazy summer that has been.
My wife, the chaplain, and me.

Brian Dodd shared what he sees are “10 Leadership Lessons from the Shark Attack on Pro Surfer Mick Fanning.

I shared reflections and leadership learning on this blog in “7 Leadership Lessons from the Spouse of a Chaplain.” Some of the lessons I have learned or reminded of are: listen; ask questions; make time; be present; challenge when necessary; and encourage and remind.

Adam Smith shared a post by Glenn Brooke about “How to Use a Leadership Team Planning Calendar.”

Eugena Lee at Resourceful Manager just shared and published a guide all about leadership. Check out this good new source of thought and ideas.

Alan Elkin and Arthur Wagner at Switch & Shift shared, “3 Sure Fire Ways to Prepare Your Business For the Longhaul.”

Travis Wright shared, “7 Things Warren Buffet Can Teach You About Leadership.”

Dan Rockwell shared a number of great leadership insights over the past week. These included: “5 Ways to Face the Challenges of Coaching Teammates“; thoughts on “How to Create Dissatisfaction that Energizes“; and “The 7 Pursuits of Successful Leaders.”

Dan Forbes at Lead with Giants shared a guest post by Whitney Johnson who wrote, “To Become an Expert, Do This One Thing.”

Over at Thin Difference, Heidi Oran wrote and shared about “Resistance and Leadership,” and Jon Mertz shared that “You May Be a Passive Leader If…


Gillian B. White explains that, “Millennials who are financially thriving have one characteristic in common.”

Bartie Scott wrote and explained about “What Millennials Really Want at Work.”

Last fall Adam Hanft noted about “The Stunning Evolution of Millennials: They’ve Become the Ben Franklin Generation.”

Nicholas Kristof wrote about “A Millennial Named Bush.” Read this excerpt and then check out the whole piece, “Now along comes this generation of millennials, and we have a problem. They are raised on “service projects,” apply to Teach for America in torrents and donate to charity at a higher rate (87 percent) than their elders. Basically, they’ve stabbed us older generations in the back with their idealism and altruism, robbing us of the opportunity to feel superior.”

Liz Peek wrote that in order “To Attract Millennials, Hillary Clinton Needs to Embrace the Sharing Economy.”

Ashley Stahl shared a post with insights for both Millennials and non-Millennials in noting, “Seven Mistakes to Avoid When Job Hunting.”

Sarah Puryear wrote about “Wooing Millennials with Tradition, not Pyrotechnics.”

Friend, pastor and blogger Stephanie Vos explained, “Why the Church Needs Millennials, But Millennials Don’t Need Church.” What do you think?

Neighbor Love

Friend and professor Rev. Dr. Matt Skinner shared this story from Julia Preston that a “Judge orders release of immigrant children detained by U.S.”

"no blue, no green" by Vonda Drees
“no blue, no green” by Vonda Drees

Author and pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber shared a recent “Sermon on the Feeding of the 5,000 (preached for pastors, musicians, and church leaders).”

Friend, blogger and artist Vonda Drees shared a number of beautiful posts over the past week. These included: “soul food“; “light, space, zest“; “make way!“; “paying attention“; “courage!“; “no blue, no green“; and “A Franciscan Benediction.”

I came across this post from last month by blogger and pastor Erik Parker written on “The Heresy of the Charleston Shooter: Racism and Lutherans.”

Friend Megan Hansen shared this editors note from Houston about “The Case of the Missing Magazine.”

Friend and professor Rev. Dr. Eric Barreto wrote and reflected about “Theological education after Ferguson and Long Island and Baltimore and Charleston and…

Friend and professor Dr. Mary Hess shared this video of “Kids talking about race.”

Jenny at Queer Grace asked, pondered and responded, “Is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah about homosexuality?

Friend, blogger and pastor Beth Wartick shared a sermon based on Psalm 23 called, “thoughts on Tables.”

The Millennial Journal shared thoughts from Christopher Hale explaining, “Why US Presidential Candidates Might Follow Francis’ Lead.

Friend, mentor and professor Dr. Terri Elton shared a beautiful little reflection inspired by daily life and once-in-a-life time adventures in “My Eyes Look to the Mountains.”

Rozella White shared a powerful, honest and authentic reflection about life, love, and the challenges of mental illness and anxiety in “A Word on My Birthday.” Thank you for sharing Rozella!

Friend, intern pastor and blogger Chris Michaelis shared a recent sermon based on Ephesians 6:10-20, “Chains and Chainmail.”

Sarah Bessey reflected in “A Voice for the Voiceless.”

Friend, blogger and writer J.W. Wartick shared a neighbor love and social justice “Response to an Article on Welfare Recipients in Seattle.”

Second cousin Melissa Schori shared a beautiful reflection about life and community in “Dick & Joyce.”

Friend, pastor and blogger Frank Johnson shared his sermon for this past weekend based on Psalm 91, “Refuge and Satisfaction (or why we sing ‘On Eagle’s Wings’ at funerals).”

PLU professor Dr. Joanna Gregson was quoted in an interesting article about how “Authors of romance novels are big sellers, but still deal with an age-old stigma,” by Alice Robb.

Friend, blogger and pastor-in-waiting Emmy Kegler shared this neighbor love in action story by Michael Rietmulder about how “Gary Hoover walks among the hookers of Lake Street.”

Social Media & Blogging

Friend and professor Dr. Ron Byrnes shared about “All-star Apps,” and asked, “What indispensable apps am I missing?”

Kylie Jane Wakefield wrote and shared, “‘Storytelling is Changing’: Why Gary Vaynerchuk Is Investing in Micro-Content.”

Friend and blogger J.W. Wartick shared his version of the links with his “Really Recommended Posts.”

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner shared “5 Steps You Need to Follow to Finally Start Making Money with Your Blog.”


I shared some stewardship thoughts about giving, writing about “Why I Give.”

Erin at Young Adult Money shared and asked, “Have You Asked Your Significant Other These 5 Money Questions?” The questions that Erin highlights are: How much debt do you have? What financial goals do you have? What does your ideal retirement look like? Do you like saving money or spending it? How are you going to handle your money?

Also at Young Adult Money, Kristi shared and asked, “Time is Money: Do you budget your time effectively?


A rainbow that Allison and I saw this morning on our mini-walk at sunrise before the storm started. If ever there was a reminder of God's promises and presence in the midst of the literal storms of life, this may be it.
A rainbow that Allison and I saw this morning on our mini-walk at sunrise before the storm started. If ever there was a reminder of God’s promises and presence in the midst of the literal storms of life, this may be it.

Friends Katie and Will shared life and vocational updates, updating the world about their new calls beginning in the fall in Montana writing, “Montana, Here We Come!” And, “Taize and Ordinations.”

Christian Balodis wrote and shared, “Finding Your Passion- A Call to Serve.”

Friend, photographer, blogger and now graduate student Jessica Young shared reflections and updates in “graduate school,” as well as on some of the reading she has done of late. Congrats on starting grad school Jessica!

The LEAD blog shared about “A Day in the Life of a LEAD Intern: Stephanie Gossett.”

Friend, pastor and blogger Diane Roth shared thoughts about “Using GPS.”


In honor and celebration of Randy Johnson’s induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame, friend and Mariners blogger Tim Chalberg looked back at the famous trade between the Mariners and Astros in “Big Unit Trade, Revisited.”


That concludes this week’s edition of the links. I hope you have enjoyed them. As always, if you have particular questions or topics for me to think about on the blog, please share them. Also, if there are things you would like to see included in the links, please let me know that too. Until next time, thank you for reading and being part of the conversation. Blessings on your week! -TS

Image Credits: The Links and “no blue, no green.”

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