This Week’s Links

Internet1Tuesday on my blog means that I get to share some of what I have found thought provoking and interesting with all of you. This week’s edition is full of good stuff from ministry job openings to travel journals, to thoughts about millennials and stewardship. The topic categories for this week are: Church and Ministry Thought & Practice; Cross-Sector Collaboration; Leadership Thought & Practice; Millennials; Neighbor Love; Social Media & Blogging; Stewardship and Vocation. I hope you enjoy these links!

Church and Ministry Thought & Practice

Pastor Don Carlson shared some reflections on this weekend’s upcoming lectionary appointed readings on Bishop Mike Rinehart’s blog.

Related to this, Rev. Dr. David Lose reflected about the upcoming lectionary gospel reading in “Who Do You Say I Am?

Richard Chin shares the story about how one St. Paul, Minnesota pastor’s pulpit is a food truck.  How is that for a unique missional ministry?

If you are looking for a job or know someone who is looking, consider the Executive Director position at Lake Wapogasset Lutheran Bible Camp.

Additionally, if that job doesn’t quite do it for you, how about this opening for a Web and Social Media Content Manager with the Mennonite Church USA.

Friend and pastor Diane Roth shared what I assume is many a pastor’s frustration on some Saturdays in “Saturday Night: Trying to Figure Out what to Say.”

Friend and pastor Aaron Fuller shared, “First-Call Pastor Stuff: A Letter to myself, one year ago.”  It’s pretty awesome! I hope all people do this for their future ministry selves.

I stumbled on this post from last October from Brad Brisco pondering the different shifts related to “Christendom/Post-Christendom.” Interesting stuff!

Over at Vibrant Faith, Nancy Going asked, “Who Knows You?” Good question.

In sad news, sympathy and prayers go to Pope Francis and his family in the loss of his nephew’s family who was killed in a car crash in Argentina earlier today.

Cross-Sector Collaboration

Jesse Lyn Stoner writes that, “Organizational Change can start wherever you are.”  Give this a read. There are important thoughts about change in general in this.

If you too have wondered about what we can do to overcome the polarity in society, check out this idea called “From Where I Sit” from LEAD. Being able to talk and share different perspectives is key to being able to meet each other and from there serve the needs of the common good and society.

Leadership Thought & Practice

Steve Keating wrote about “When Things Really Matter.”

Leading with Heart
Leading with Heart

Dan Rockwell shared a number of wonderful posts this past week. I particularly loved his post, “15 Ways to Lead with Heart.” The list is fantastic. A couple of my favorite ways that leaders with heart lead are: they say what they really think; live by values more than results; admit their own mistakes; ask forgiveness for offenses; express gratitude and support the development of teammates and teams. Check out the whole list!

Dan also shared, “5 Things Successful Leaders Judge,” which are: results; attitudes; interactions; inclusions; and learning. He also wrote, “5 Essentials for Developing Remarkable Leaders.” Check out all of these lists!

Lolly Daskal shared what she sees are the “Top 10 Qualities of Highly Successful People.” The list includes: drive; self-reliance; willpower; patience; integrity; passion; connection; optimism; self-confidence and communication.

Friend and pastor Aaron Fuller shared some reflection about intimidation and not giving into it, in “‘Intimidation Factor:’ Lessons from a USMC Colonial.”

I seemed to have found a few posts from last October this past week. This post comes from Robyn McLeod and it explores, “The Body Language of Leadership.”

The tributes about Warren Bennis continue to be written and should continue to be written. Will Yakowicz shared these great “Leadership Lessons from Leadership Guru Warren Bennis.” The lessons are: leaders are made, not born; leadership is like beauty; leading means deeply affecting others; a leader is self-aware; curiosity and risk-taking make a leader; a leader sees the big picture; and the leader does right.


Jeremy Chandler wrote, “What I Learned about ‘leading up’ from being yelled at in the parking lot.” In this post he shared three lessons: reassess your idea; respectfully respond and move on.

In a post that is helpful not just to millennials but to all members (or hoping to be) members of the workforce, Danny Rubin explains “Why Your Reference Letters are Worthless.”

Rashida Thomas shared this post back in March which I found this past week, “3 Vehicles that will help you land a job after College.” Good advice for millennials and non-millennials alike.

In a post that could be shared here or below under “Stewardship,” friend Grace Duddy shared some important thoughts about millennials and particularly related to millennials and giving and stewardship. Give this a read!

Mom and Dad and me on Easter Sunday by the baptismal font
Thankfully for me, my parents have generally always understood why I am passionate about what I am passionate about. Because of that, I don’t generally have to worry too much about how to explain what I do to them.

Jon Mertz shared this post from Danny Rubin, “Explaining What You Do to Your Parents.” I have a hunch that most millennials struggle with this. In wrestling with this Danny shared five key points: your parents won’t “get it” right away; the simpler, the better; compare your job to something from the 70s; no need for devices; and remember, they gave birth to you. Spend some time with this!

Sam Tanenhaus writes that, “The Millennials are Generation Nice.” Do you agree? Why or why not?

Neighbor Love

Last Saturday my wife Allison shared the sermon based on the text of Luke 19:1-10. As she was “Sermonizing: the courage of Zacchaeus,” naturally she had to lead the congregation in the song. Check out the sermon!

Rev. Dr. Karoline Lewis recently wrote a post about “When We Can’t Walk on Water,” based on Matthew 14:22-33. Give this a good read!

In this day and age where it is so hard to have a conversation without it leading to polarities and people being placed and categories or boxes, Andrew W.K. shared this important post and response, “Ask Andrew W.K.: My Dad is a Right Wing…

There have been so many neighbor love stories this past week. The death of an unarmed man named Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri; the loss of Robin Williams, the on-going potential genocide in Iraq, just to name a few. In response to some of these, Pastor Timothy Brown shared some timely reflections in “Death on Vacation.”

In another timely post, blogger and theologian Rachel Held Evans shared this post, “Mental Illness & The Church: An Interview with Amy Simpson.” I greatly appreciated this post, especially this perspective, “I feel like I have a front-row seat on God’s gracious work, and I am more convinced than ever of the truth of Romans 8:35-38. Absolutely nothing can separate us from God’s love. If death and hell themselves don’t have that power, mental illness certainly doesn’t.”

Ann Voskamp wrote in a related post, “What the Church & Christians Need to Know about Suicide & Mental Health.”

Rachel Held Evans also wrote another timely piece, “On Race, the Benefit of the Doubt, and Complicity.”

Related to this post, Nate Pyle wrote, “Learning to Listen in the Wake of Ferguson.” Give this a read and spend some time wrestling with the questions Nate concludes the post with, “Who have you been listening to? What do you think is your responsibility?”

Rev. Dr. Eric Barreto and a few others shared some related thoughts in this important post, “Preaching Reflections on Michael Brown and Ferguson.”

Rev. Dr. David Lose also reflected on the death of Michael Brown and what is going on in Ferguson in this post, “Lift Every Voice and Sing.”

As the protests continue in Ferguson, not even pastors are immune, as one female pastor was shot by a rubber bullet according to Jill Bond.

Additionally, at least one local pastor believes that “Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson should resign.”

Friend and pastor Aaron Fuller shared his sermon from this past weekend, entitled, “The Human Element.”

Social Media & Blogging

Friend and blogger J.W. Wartick shared his version of The Links in his, “Really Recommended Posts.”

If you are new to using Twitter, haven’t used it but would like to, or could use a quick refresher, check out this post from Brian Fanzo, “Social Media is a skill but Twitter isn’t hard! 6 ways to make it easy!

Leader Lab shared a great list of the “Top Professors on Twitter.” Check out this list and see who to start following!


Friend and “Classy Frugalist” Grace Duddy shared some more about financial bad habits in this post about “Impulsive Spending.”

Pastor Sam Chamelin wrote about “God’s Problematic Abundance.” Give this a read! At the very least its a good reminder. I believe it’s probably more than that though. What do you think?

Friend and professor Dr. Ron Byrnes shared, “Simple Green- The Key to Financial Well Being.” Maybe you can relate to this.


My sister Tamara in the middle of my brother Thomas and I.
My sister Tamara in the middle of my brother Thomas and I.

Apparently my brother Thomas has been blogging for a little while now. If you, like me, didn’t really know that, check out his blog titled: “Social Justice Ramblings, Journals and Thoughts.”

Friend and blogger Hannah Heinzekehr shared this beautiful post to her daughter, “On Being Two: A Letter to Toddler E.” I love this on so many levels. I hope all parents feel like writing such things. Just to really get you to read it, here are a few little lines that stand out: “I hope that you always feel surrounded by a community who loves you. I hope that you find ways to see God’s lure in your life, and that you would feel brave enough to follow wherever it might lead you. And I hope that you never lose the exuberance you have now for aging. May you be ready to greet each new year with a resounding exclamation point, whether you are celebrating “two” or ‘twenty’ or ‘forty’ or ‘fifty-five.’ We love you more than you will probably ever be able to really comprehend.” Read and share this!

Friend and blogger Julia Nelson shared a life update about new life, in her “Friday Favorites!

Friend and professor Dr. Ron Byrnes reflected “On Robin Williams and the End of Life.”

My wife Allison wrote another wonderful post, admitting the problems and challenges on-going in life and the world now, but also the fact of being “Reminded” of some wonderful memories (in part thanks to friend Kaitlyn Ferguson).


That will conclude this week’s edition of the links. I hope you have enjoyed them! As always if there are particular questions or topics that you would like me to wrestle with on the blog, or types of articles to include in the links, please let me know. Until next time, thanks for reading and blessings on your week! -TS

Image Credits: The Links and Heart.

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