This Week’s Links

Internet1It’s Tuesday.  That means, as always that it’s time to share some of what I have been reading and found interesting with you over the past week.  This week’s topic categories are:  Church and Ministry Thought & Practice, Cross-Sector Collaboration, Leadership Thought & Practice, Neighbor Love, Social Media & Blogging, Stewardship, Vocation, and Worship.  I entrust these to you now, and hope you enjoy them!

Church and Ministry Thought & Practice

If you have never heard of Humble Walk before, you should check out this missional church community.  Either way, they are on the move again, and if you have any ideas for a location for them, please check this out.

According to the Pew Research Center, “U.S. Catholics view Pope Francis as a change for the better.”

Tony Jones has some insight into “How Mark Driscoll gamed the publishing game.”  If you are interested in mega churches, pastors who publish, and/or the dangers of “worldly success” take a look at this.

The Lutheran World Federation shared this look at Theologian Ebise Dibisa Ayana (currently serving in Ethiopia) and her thoughts on mentoring and networking.

The Wall Street Journal published this story about the New York Metro Synod of the ELCA, and particularly Bishop Robert Rimbo’s “innovative and inclusive” approaches.  Included in this story is a look at the ministry friend and Pastor Ben McKelahan is doing in New York.  Please give this story a read.

Rev. Dr. David Lose offered on his blog yesterday some good reflection on “The Risk of Not Changing.”  All I can say is a loud “Amen.”  Give it a read, and see what you think.

It must have been an interesting week when both the Wall Street Journal and now The Economist make the links under the “Church and Ministry” heading.  From The Economist comes this story about congregational/cathedral choirs, and perhaps a connection between the presence of choirs and congregational participation. What do you think?

Cross-Sector Collaboration

Here’s a cross-sector question for you.  “Does HR really need to be disrupted?  What do you think?  I think this question is relevant to all organizations- for profit, non-profit, congregations, etc.

The Pew Research Center recently released findings regarding “Millennials in Adulthood.”  Check this out for some insights about the implications from the data about millennials and what they may mean for your group or organization.

Leadership Thought & Practice

Graham Kenny shared, “Five Questions to Identify Key Stakeholders.”  Check out these questions, I think you will find this to be a helpful resource.

Karin Hurt shared, “When Passive Aggressive Meets the Truth.”  For anyone who works with a team of varying personalities and approaches, we all no doubt have had or continue to have to deal with people who are passive aggressive.  I think this is a helpful read and post to spark some thought about how to deal with passive aggressive people and co-workers.

Chris Cancialosi wrote, “How Company Culture Could Make or Break Your Business.”  Included are four components to translate culture:  a solid model; tools for understanding; processes to implement; and turning data into action.

Shawn Murphy provided “12 Habits of Motivational Leaders.”  Included in these twelve are:  knows employees’ stories; creates optimism at work; has allegiance to company values and vision; creates room for peer-to-peer recognition; keeps financials open; raises expectations; gives feedback frequently; promotes an integrated life; makes work meaningful; promotes play; advocates work flexibility; and removes barriers.  Check out these habits, and see what you think and if you have habits you would add to the list.

The Connective Leadership Model
The Connective Leadership Model

Kate Nasser asked, “Leadership Sincerity:  are you leading with honesty and civility?”  Give this a read if interested in sincerity and authenticity among leaders and in your own leadership.

Joel Gascoigne wrote, “The habits of successful people:  they start small.”  Give this some thought and see what you think.

If you are like most people, it may seem that “there aren’t enough hours in the day.”  If you ever think that, you should read this article by Jeff Haden about how to work smarter and not harder.  Haden shares five such ways that allow one to work smarter:  take more breaks; take naps; spend time in nature; move and work in blocks; and check your email first thing.

I have written before on this blog about my love of the connective leadership model.  If you are at all interested, you should find out more about Connective Leadership.  If you are intrigued, check out the information on a Connective Leadership certification training seminar in August.

Neighbor Love

Last week Michael Hidalgo shared, “4 Things Jesus Never Said.”  Give this a read, you will be glad you did.  As Hidalgo concludes, “when we take the time to truly hear what [Jesus] has to say to us we will be both comforted and challenged by his words.  And when we truly hear him, we will have much more to rethink.”

Friend and fantastic social media expert, Carrie Gubsch wrote “Fighting hunger though music.”  Read the story about Jonathan Rundman, music, and meeting the needs of our neighbors.

Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber shared her very powerful “Ash Wednesday sermon on truth, dust, babies, and funerals.”

This post about the back story of “Love You Forever” has been shared a lot recently.  If you haven’t seen it yet, take a peek.

Friend and pastor Aaron Fuller shared “God’s Welcome:  A People’s Sermon.”  It’s rich with great insight about welcome and love.  Please give it a read.

Immigration continues to be a topic in the news.  Now comes word that 750 immigration detainees in Tacoma, Washington are on a hunger strike to end deportations and to protest their poor treatment.  This is most certainly a neighbor love issue that needs to be addressed, by faith groups, business, community groups and the government.

Friend and fantastic blogger Hannah Heinzekehr shared a Q&A with Dr. Monica Coleman.  If you are interested in what she has to say, you might also be interested to know that Dr. Coleman will be giving a lecture in the Twin Cities on April 8th.  If you are in the area, please go!

Another post that has been passed around a bit lately is this one from this past fall by Christena Cleveland in which she asks, “So you wanna be a diverse church?” If you haven’t seen it, give it a read.

Friend and pastor Diane Roth offered a nice reflection, “Why you come to church.”

Social Media & Blogging

Aleyda Solis recently shared, “3 Steps to identify blog topics that are relevant to your audience.”  If you are a blogger like me, this is a helpful read.

If you are looking for good photos and images to use on your blog, you will probably appreciate this news about Getty Images making millions of photos free to use.


Pastor Jenna Couch shared a transcript from a recent Stewardship Tweetchat.  Check it out for an engaging conversation full of wonderful questions and insights related to stewardship.


My wife and I on the campus of Pacific Lutheran University in the Fall of 2012 (where we met, graduated from, later got engaged...etc.)
My wife and I on the campus of Pacific Lutheran University in the Fall of 2012 (where we met, graduated from, later got engaged…etc.)

Friend and pastor Diane Roth makes the links twice this week.  She also wrote this post entitled “We Just Kept on Singing” last week.  It is a beautiful post about her own vocational insights and I believe a sense of vocational affirmation, particularly in her recognition that perhaps she is sent and called “to do funerals,” which is obviously a very important part of ministry.

For the first time in far too long, my wife Allison is being included in the links this week.  She has started a new series on her blog during the season of Lent entitled, “Mira Voce.”  This series offers and will offers a number of great vocational insights and discoveries.  Included in the series, is this contemplation about interests and passions. Check out her blog, the series, and follow it. And, join the conversation in reflecting about your own voice, perspectives, and vocational ideas.


Last week Pastor Joe Smith wrote about “Ignoring the Peanut Gallery during Lent.”  I have to admit, I share his sentiment regarding the liturgical season.  Do you?  Why or why not?


That will conclude this week’s links.  I hope you have found them interesting and helpful.  As always, if there are particular types of articles or things you would like included in the links, please let me know.  Also, if there are particular topics you would like me to wrestle with in an upcoming post or two, please let me know that too.  Until the next time, blessings on your week! -TS

Image Credits:  1) The Links; and 2) The Connective Leadership Model.

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