Do you see it?


My wife Allison Siburg is awesome. I am not saying that just because I’m married to her. I’m saying it, because it’s true! Earlier this week she asked a profound question, “Do you see it?” In thinking about this, Allison wrote about young adults, churches, millennials, vocation and vocational discernment.

I have been so moved by the post, that I want to share it with you. You can read the whole thing here. If you would like a quick sneak peak at some of what Allison wrote, here you go:

Not one person has the same equation that adds up to “this is what vocational discernment looks like.” No two people are carbon copies, therefore no two people vocationally discern the same way.

This means the church has the opportunity to welcome and embrace people who think about what makes them tick and serve joyfully in a million different kind of ways.

Vocational discernment is not for the weak. It’s for the courageous. It’s for the failures and the beautiful moments of learning. It’s for those who say to leaders, CEO’s, pastors, bishops, “This is not working, but I have an idea of how to make it work.” It’s for those who look around and see people blinded by insecurity and fear, and can’t do anything but want to rip off their shades and help them see the beauty around them…

Do you see it? This what I see: Authenticity without strings attached. Experimenting with people you trust. Creativity for the sake of play. Being vulnerable and praying it’s met with a connection on the other side.

This is one picture of vocational discernment, but one that echos the qualities that young people are starving to feel when they ask their church, the community in which their faith was first sparked, “Is there anything out there for me?” We want coaches, mentors, colleagues. We want churches to find the same beauty we see in the world, the beauty you can only see if you get lost.

Do you see it?

Now, go and read the whole thing and wonder with her, “Do you see it?

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